
Sunday, August 24, 2014

The world at 3:30 a.m.

The world looks quite different at 3:30 a.m.

First of all, it doesn't look much like anything. As yours truly lives in a rural setting, there are no street lamps, etc to contend with. The closest we get is during a full moon, and the accompanying racket of barking coyotes in the field behind, but je degress.

Long story short - could not sleep. Had to finish what I started.

Went out to the living room, to the iMac, and over the next 90 minutes completed all of the last bits of tinkering required for the good folks at Kindle Direct Publishing to say 'Congrats - we'll let you know when your book is up.'

A few hours later, while at the local fair in Parham, Ontario, the message popped up on my phone that it was up and running.

So - what was it?

It's a novel. 368 pages (or approximately 90,000 words in book trade lingo).

"The Barricade Diary" has been with me, off and on, for over 10 years (More off than on). It sat on a shelf for the longest time, and other projects zipped past. Finally, I bit the bullet and pushed forward.

And so, I put my insomnia to good use.

Actually, that's not totally true. After 5:00, I laid on my couch and watched "BoJack Horseman" on Netflix until I dozed off.

Apologies to my wife for having to wake up to that!

Here's the link to the Amazon listing...enjoy!

amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?tag=kb1-20&url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords= mystery + political%2C+ B00MYZ7XD6