
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Walking the Fine Line: The Challenges and Opportunities of a ‘Brexit’ to Canada’s European Policy

On January 23, 2013 British Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a long anticipated speech on his country’s relationship within the European Union. Cameron’s speech outlined the intention of his government to enter into a negotiation with EU member states in order to ensure that the balance of powers and authority rests with member governments, and not with the EU Commission or the European Parliament.  In the past day, Cameron has announced that an agreement in principal has been reached, thereby triggering a long promised referendum – one that presents the choice to stay in the EU under the newly negotiated terms, or to leave the Union and, presumably, seek a successor trade agreement.

Based on polling data, as well as the outreach of already mobilized campaigns, it is not entirely clear what scenario will unfold on June 23. The most recent surveys place both sides in a statistical ‘dead heat.’ As with most votes of this nature, it will be driven as much by emotion as by economic arguments, and with a little over 100 days to make their respective cases, much can happen.

Britain’s status as a major economic power, its global trade and investment connections, as well as its significance in transatlantic geopolitical affairs, makes it an important – almost indispensable – player on the world stage. A ‘Brexit’ would most certainly challenge existing foreign policy totems, and would require countries such as Canada to engage in a serious re-think of our own affairs with both Britain and the EU.

Decision-makers in Ottawa will be pressed to develop a policy framework that maintains a healthy and positive relationship with both Brussels and London no matter the outcome of this issue. Should the status quo remain, so, too, would Canada’s existing European policy, that of fostering significant trade and strategic ties with the EU.  If Britain were to exit the structures of the European Union, Canada would need to work to put in place complimentary arrangements with the UK, while still maintaining good relations with Brussels. Some thought to what that relationship would entail would be advised.

The purpose of this paper is neither to speculate nor advocate on the efficacy of any of the scenarios. The question of EU membership for Britain properly belongs with that nation’s people and their representatives. The focus of the paper is in asking what the impact of a ‘Brexit’ may mean for Canada’s relationships with Britain and the European Union. More specifically, what should Canada’s response be if such a situation was to develop?

The Potential for a ‘Brexit’

For a long period there has been a growing movement in the United Kingdom to redefine their relationship with Europe.  The idea of Britain choosing to leave the political structures of the European Union has been referred to as a British exit, or ‘Brexit.’

While an overwhelming majority of Britons do wish to preserve trade links and economic cooperation with the European Union, they are increasingly opposed to the political project - one that would inevitably see their country become a province of a larger European Federation.

In May of 2012, British polling firm YouGov conducted a survey for the Sunday Times which found that only 28% of respondents would vote in a referendum for Britain to stay in the EU, and that 51% would vote to leave. Their polling results - after having tracked the question over a one-year period - reveal a rather stable distribution pattern.[i]

% who would vote for Britain to...

Stay in the EU (a)
Leave the EU (b)
(b) minus (a): majority for leaving
June 2011
January 2012

On the eve of EU negotiations, polls indicate that the difference in support for remaining in the EU as opposed to leaving is within the statistical margin of error – with 52 per cent in the "remain" camp and 48 per cent wanting to leave.[ii]

In juxtaposition to this, those member states firmly committed to the future of the EU have been clear and consistent in their aspirations. From the pioneering work of Monnet, Schumann, and Spaak shortly after World War II up to the present, the economic integration of Western Europe has always been a prelude to something more comprehensive and encompassing. Comments by EU Commission President Juan Manuel Barroso were very explicit in this regard:

"Let's not be afraid of the words: We will need to move towards a federation of nation states. This is our political horizon. This is what must guide our work in the years to come"[iii]

It would not be wrong to say that many in the European Union have always seen economics more as a means to an end, one that would see the formation of a single European federal state.

Whether or not these intentions have been fully appreciated by British decision-makers over the decades is difficult to ascertain. There are those in the UK who support greater economic and political integration with their EU partners. Their appraisal of Britain’s EU future is based on a view that Europe provides economies of scale in an increasingly competitive and regionalized global economy. They assert that British interests are better served within that relationship. There are others who see the relationship in a much different light, and advocate leaving the EU full stop. The majority opinion, however, distinguishes between the political project and the economic partnership. Its preference would be for Britain to transition from being a EU member state to one that enjoys a free trade relationship with Europe, either by rejoining the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) or negotiating a separate bilateral deal. Key to this view is the desire to preserve trade links with the EU while being free to pursue bilateral and multilateral agreements elsewhere.

This debate is now fully underway, and is experiencing what can only be referred to as a ‘preference cascade.’ Opinions that would have been considered marginal and highly speculative prior to 2008 are now being discussed in the British mainstream – in the media, and in the halls of Westminster.  The UK Independence Party has now supplanted the Liberal Democrats as Britain’s third-largest party. That party has already fought a British general election on a policy platform that included both a withdrawal from the European Union, as well as support for the creation of a Commonwealth Free Trade Area. Many leading figures in the British Conservative Party, as well as a number of Labour MPs, publicly support replacing Britain’s EU membership with a successor UK-EU free trade treaty.

The response to this emerging trend has been sporadic and lacking focus.
EU President Herman van Rompuy has suggested that a 'Brexit' would have catastrophic consequences for the Union as a whole, adding that member states cannot simply ‘cherry pick’ those policies they wish to retain for themselves.[iv] At the same time,  the Group of European Federalists, an umbrella organization representing 19 pro-EU federation constituent groups and including several Members of the European Parliament (MEP’s), openly floated the idea of Britain assuming an ‘associate member’ status within the EU, with a looser association.[v]
In addition, former EU Commission President  Jacques Delors has stated publicly that nothing is to be feared by the possibility of a ‘Brexit’, and that a EU-UK free trade deal is entirely workable.[vi] The conclusion of an agreement against this backdrop would suggest that the EU does not speak with one voice, and that the possible negotiating position taken by Brussels in the event of a ‘Brexit’ will depend greatly on what pressure is exerted, and by who.

Potentialities for 2016
With a majority mandate, Cameron has had more latitude in dealing with Europe. Having said that, his task remains incomplete. While he may have tentative success in dealing with the demands and expectations of EU partner states, the same must also be accomplished among those who will determine the agreement’s final fate – the British people. Those who have determined to either stay in the Union or to depart it have declared their intentions. What remains are the majority of Britons, many of whom are genuinely conflicted on this question. While what was hammered out among EU leaders may have satisfied the government’s main points, will it have done the same for those casting a ballot on June 23rd?

Canada’s position on Europe and Britain

In this environment, Canada must consider its position should a ‘Brexit’ occur.  Given the political and economic realities of our relationship with Europe as a whole, a great deal of forethought and caution should be exercised. This means considering the possibility of having to forge a policy that keeps the lines of communication open in both London and Brussels.

For Canada, the status quo presents no policy challenges. Britain is currently part of the European Union. By virtue of its commitments made through the Lisbon Treaty, it is unable to enter into any trade agreement outside the rubric of a EU-negotiated treaty. Our foreign and international trade policy has, over the past decades, adjusted to this reality. If the current state of affairs continues, then the existing policy requires no great rethink.  The successful ratification and implementation of CETA provides a free trade environment between Canada and the United Kingdom by default.

If, however, political developments in Britain do lead to an ‘in/out’ referendum, and a formal exit from the European Union, Canada’s trade relationship with both Europe and Britain would need to undergo a significant change.

In 2015, Canada’s exports to the EU totaled C$39.47 billion.[vii] Any opportunity to grow this trade is vital to our national interests. It would not be an exaggeration to say that involvement in the ‘Brexit’ debate would be ill-advised and counter-productive.

This trade number, however, also belies the importance of maintaining a strong trading relationship with Britain. Nearly 43 percent of Canada’s exports to the European Union are specifically destined for the United Kingdom, some C$16.60 billion in 2015.[viii] By any practical measure, a ‘Brexit’ would immediately cut Canada’s exports to the EU by half. While the proposed Canada-EU Trade Agreement (CETA) will enhance trade volumes overall, it is doubtful that the loss of British markets to Canada would be compensated for by increases in exports to the remaining EU member states.

The reality is that Canada-EU trade, as it is currently constituted, is actually Canada-UK trade. If the EU includes Britain, then the CETA can deliver what its proponents expect. If Britain is removed from the equation, then none of the assumptions that underpin CETA's benefits can hold. In fact, given that Canada’s EU imports during this same period were C$52.94 billion, and that Britain accounted for C$8.60 billion, a ‘Brexit’ would have the effect of increasing the trade imbalance that already exists with the EU even further.

The UK is a significant economic player in the world, with London serving as the pre-eminent centre for international capital markets.  A reluctance to join the Eurozone has not diminished this status, and it is highly unlikely that a redefined relationship with the EU would cause a collapse of London's status as a global financial capital. It is highly unlikely that Canada would not contemplate the possibility of partnering with such a close ally and fellow Commonwealth power should a ‘Brexit’ occur.

This issue may also be unavoidable for Canada to address.  For the UK, a ‘Brexit’ will definitely involve an immediate negotiation for some form of new free trade agreement with the EU.  Beyond that, Britain will almost certainly involve an active promotion soon after of free trade relationships with select Commonwealth states and possibly with NAFTA. On both counts, Canada figures pre-eminently. Indeed, it is very likely that a post-EU Britain would promote an initial agreement with Canada as a template for future extra-European trade treaties.

Even if Canada does not actively court London after a ‘Brexit’, it is clear that British overtures to Ottawa would occur very soon after. Whether the initial phone call is placed from 10 Downing Street or 24 Sussex Drive, a call would most certainly take place.  The Federal Government has a small window of opportunity to consider what will be said when the phone does ring, something that will ease thoughts and attitudes in both Brussels and London.

The Quebec Precedent

In October of 2012, the then newly elected Premier of Québec, Pauline Marois, travelled to Paris to meet with French President François Hollande. For frequent observers of politics in that province, this trip has become somewhat of a time-honored tradition – regardless of party stripe.

The meeting at the Elysée Palace was typically warm and cordial, and it gave an opportunity for Hollande to reiterate a policy as enduring a tradition as these get-togethers. When it comes to the question of Québec sovereignty, the French answer is “ni, ni.”[ix]

Ni, ni” is an acronym that stands for ‘non-interference, non-indifference.’ In its simplest terms, it means that France will not offer any support, material or otherwise, in the cause of Québec’s separation from Canada. On the other hand, it also promises not to turn a blind eye to Québec should it ever achieve its own independence. In short, it means no help to leave Canada, but also includes implicit promises of assistance if it ever did make that choice.

The policy was born of a difficult set of circumstances in the 1960’s, when Québec’s ‘Quiet Revolution’ was beginning to transform the province’s francophone society, and its political discourse.  The lapse of the decades-long Duplessis era and the rise of Jean Lesage’s Liberals not only changed government policies, but also expectations and attitudes among Québecois. This transformation still largely informs politics in Québec to this day.

The natural linguistic and cultural affinities between France and Québec make any attempt at neutrality on the sovereignty question nearly impossible. On the other hand, as witnessed by the fallout from President Charles de Gaulle’s ‘Vive le Québec Libre’ speech from Montréal City Hall in July of 1967, any outright support for Québec separation – whether real or implied – has its own dangers.

Politically, France cannot afford to be seen to ‘abandon’ Québec, and yet it cannot risk alienating Canada as a whole. The four-decade old policy may not perfectly suit either the tastes of the most adamant federalists or separatists, but it does succeed in creating a normalized state of relations. It keeps doors open in both Ottawa and Québec City, regardless of what party is in power, Péquiste or not.

A policy of ‘non-interference, non-indifference’ has succeeded reasonably well under often difficult circumstances, and for a lengthy period. It is not a perfect approach, but it is one that offers all parties concerned the opportunity to move beyond an issue that is both difficult and, at its heart, irreconcilable. Quebec is satisfied that should it embark on the path to independent statehood, that it will have a sure ally. Canada is also satisfied that such goodwill will not extend to tacit and proactive promotion of sovereignty.

Like France’s policy regarding Québec, Canada would do well to consider a similar position toward the UK on the possibility of their exit from the European Union proper.  Ottawa should continue to make clear that the question of Britain’s membership in the EU is one properly considered, debated and settled by the British people through whatever mechanism they choose – Act of Parliament, or popular referendum. To date, political leaders in Canada have not involved themselves in this debate, nor should they. On the other hand, Britain forms the most significant share of Canada’s European trade. Cultural, linguistic, historical and political affinities bind English-speaking Canada with Britain just as France and Québec share indelible and enduring bonds. If a post-EU Britain made overtures to Canada regarding a free trade agreement, it would be counterintuitive not to respond positively in kind.

There are, of course, striking differences between the British and Québec cases. While Québec is an integrated part of a constitutionally mandated federal state, Britain is still a sovereign national entity in its own right. Dealing with the consequences of a nation leaving a customs union is not on the same scale as a constituent part of a federal state seeking nationhood in its own right. Nevertheless, we do live in a world where the political realities of a situation often trump all other considerations, and that reality is based largely on perceptions and aspirations.

The Way Forward

Canada’s long-term economic and strategic interests lie in fostering strong and mutually beneficial relationships with Europe. This includes both the European Union and the United Kingdom. Current trade policy presumes a continuation of British membership in the EU, and is equal to the challenge should that situation continue. If, however, Britain decides to leave the European Union, then that policy will need to undergo a careful and necessary re-think.

Canada can, and will, benefit from enhanced trade with the European Union, with or without British membership. Beyond the financial gains, CETA will help further cement the broader transatlantic relationship, one that encompasses partnerships on a myriad of global policy imperatives.

We must also recognize, however, that should Britain leave the European Union, the anticipated gains from CETA will be significantly diminished. Given the magnitude of Britain’s portion of Canada’s EU trade, it is highly unlikely that other member states would be able to increase their Canadian trade to such an extent as to compensate for the loss.

The challenge for the Trudeau government is, simply put, to develop a contingency that preserves the market access assurances obtained under CETA regardless of the outcome of the June 23rd referendum.  The status quo depends on a majority of Britons voting to accept the agreement and remain in the EU. Should the result differ, then the federal government will need to act quickly to preserve Canadian interests.

For Canada to realize the economic benefits promised by CETA in its current form, it will have to ensure that its European market access remains ceteris paribus. In the event of a ‘Brexit’ this can only be obtained by concluding a successor Canada – UK treaty that mirrors the arrangements included in CETA.

In the end, Canada’s policy on Europe needs to be flexible enough to ensure a good and productive relationship with both London and Brussels without alienating either one, even if Britain chooses a future outside the formalized governance structures of the European Union. In this regard, the long-established example of France’s Québec policy provides a useful, effective and proven path.

[i] Will Britain vote to leave the EU?”,YouGov – 21 May, 2012 http://yougov.co.uk/news/2012/05/21/will-britain-vote-leave-eu/

[ii] EU referendum: polls remain tight as Cameron heads to Brussels, The Week, February 18, 2016 http://www.theweek.co.uk/eu-referendum/65461/eu-referendum-polls-remain-tight-as-cameron-heads-to-brussels

[iii]“Europe must become 'federation of states', Barroso says”, Daily Telegraph, 12 September, 2012, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/9538077/Europe-must-become-federation-of-states-Barroso-says.html

[iv] " 'UK can't 'cherry pick and choose powers to claw back from Brussels', EU president warns," Jason Groves, Daily Mail, 27 December 2012.   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2253956/UK-cherry-pick-choose-powers-claw-Brussels-EU-president-warns.html?ito=feeds-newsxml

[v]EU federalists: UK could be ‘associate member’,”  BBC News, 31 December 2012.

[vi] "It’s OK for Britain to quit EU, says Delors," David Charter, The Times, 29 December 2012.  http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/politics/article3642769.ece

[vii] Statistics Canada, Imports, exports and trade balance of goods on a balance-of-payments basis, by country or country grouping (last modified 19 February 2016)

[viii] Ibid (downloaded 19 February 2016).

[ix] “France’s president embraces traditional ‘ni, ni” stance on Quebec’s future,” Kevin Dougherty, Montreal Gazette, 15 October, 2012, http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Quebec+sovereignty+France+President+Hollande+returns+position+meeting+with+Premier+Pauline+Marois/7390753/story.html

Friday, January 8, 2016

I wish I got slagged like George Lucas

The highest form of praise for a writer may vary from person to person. It might be counted in number of books sold or box office receipts. I have my own disjointed take.

This may seem very counterintuitive, but I think that George Lucas has – of late – received what I would consider the highest accolades possible for a creator of fiction.

You might think I’m daft. After all, most of what has been written has been pretty ill tempered. I have seen where people have said that Lucas ‘ruined’ the franchise with the less than critically successful prequels. That reaction is precisely the thing that Lucas should take some pride in.

Hear me out.

Long before “A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away”, the Star Wars saga – or what would become the narrative – existed in only one place: George Lucas’ brain. The Skywalkers were not born on Tattooine. They were born with the firing of neurons in the cranium of a writer / director. Without sounding sacrilegious, to say that George Lucas got any part of Star Wars wrong is a bit like saying that God screwed up terraforming the Himalayas.

Having said that, people are entitled to their opinions and the fact that people have opinions and are passionate about them is pretty remarkable. In arguing over the merits of Lucas’ later work, people are according it the status of a real thing. Yet, when you boil it all down, it’s a fanciful tale constructed from his imagination.

Star Wars ain’t real, but the fact that there are a myriad of people who are willing to declare ‘pistols at dawn’ over its treatment and portrayal is quite an achievement in itself. It means that people have taken ownership of the story and its characters. You care because it’s important to you, and it’s important to you because you care. The George Lucas who pissed you off with Jar Jar Binks and midichlorians is the very same George Lucas who made you care so much about Star Wars that you would even think to be pissed off about those things.

George Lucas might be smarting over the slings and arrows of critics, but millions of people have taken something borne solely of his imagination and afforded it a status that is more real than reality.

If I ever get hate mail and criticism from readers for a story I wrote about what I may or may not have done to a recurring character, I won’t get mad.  The fact that they were inspired to take me to task over what I did to one of my imaginary characters means they care about the story.

You’re welcome.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Lacking Both Sense AND Sensibility

I am ever mindful of my absence from ‘blogging’. In addition to my usual comings and goings, I learned first-hand about a little something the medical community affectionately (or ‘infectionately’) refers to as Lyme Disease. Despite the name, it is not refreshing, nor is it enjoyable on a hot summer day. Two weeks of antibiotics and I felt human once again. Still looked like hell, but felt human. Celebrated the end of my treatment the only way I could – with a Raspberry flavoured slushie (The store was all out of Lime L ).

Enough with the loathing and self-pity, and on with the show!
Okay, so this weekend my lovely wife and adorable daughter were watching a BBC adaptation of “Sense and Sensibility” (You can tell when a Jane Austen themed program is being viewed in Casa Cameron that Sunday afternoon ‘decompression’ is taking place).

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I can’t let more than ten minutes go by without some pithy and topical (ridiculous) comment pass my lips. This time, however, it was my darling daughter who pointed out that David Morrissey of ‘The Walking Dead’ was in this show, and then made a joke about zombies lurking about. Given that someone actually has written books combining Jane Austen with the aforementioned undead, it seemed like a wholly legitimate observation.
Of course, in that scene was Dominic Cooper, so I naturally had to ask “Hey, what’s Howard Stark doing there?” This elicited two reactions – laughter from my daughter, and a look from my wife that usually says “This is regular TV, so I can’t pause it like Netflix until you knuckleheads pipe down” or something like that.

We remained silent, biting our lips, until the next scene when Sloane and I both noticed that the man in the powdered wig loudly slurping soup was none other than Ron Weasley’s dad. I observed that it was nice to see that his job in the Ministry of Magic allowed him enough to move his family into a bigger house.

Brief moments later, after I was banished to the basement rec room, I got thinking about this and thought to myself “Myself – this could be a fun game!”
Imagine you’re pitching a movie – except it’s already been done, and you don’t alter the name or the story. You even keep the same actors who were in the original.

The difference is that you change the characters to a name / role that the actor played elsewhere.
The ‘rules’ would be as follows:

1.       Pitches are no more than 700 words long (or verbally no longer than the time it takes to be banned from the living room);

2.       Pitches must relate to an existing movie or television program;

3.       Casting must include the actual actors / actresses who were in the production

4.       You are allowed to adjust the plot (but not too much!) in order to fit the new characters together

So here’s my challenge to you – write your own and post it in the comment section below. Who knows – we might get enough to start a new blog on its own!  Obviously, it goes without saying that you should sign your name to it – we should all receive the credit / notoriety we richly deserve!
Even if you feel guilty by tampering with someone’s art, take solace in the fact that we live in an age of multiple ‘reboots’, and where some people believe you can go from zero to hero by adding a few explosions and maybe an oversized robot…or two.

To get the ball rolling, I’ll give one right now:



Revised Cast:
Keira Knightley – change ‘Elizabeth Bennet’ to ‘Elizabeth Swann’ (her character in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies)

Matthew Macfadyen – change ‘Mr. Darcy’ to ‘Tom Quinn’ (his character in the BBC spy drama ‘MI-5)
Tom Hollander – change ‘Mr. Collins’ to ‘Cutler Beckett’ (his character in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies)

Rosamund Pike – change ‘Jane Bennet’ to ‘Miranda Frost’ (her character in the 007 movie ‘Die Another Day’)

Donald Sutherland - change ‘Mr. Bennet’ to…what else - Kiefer Sutherland’s (Jack Bauer’s) dad!

New  Pitch:
“Young Elizabeth Swann escapes the clutches of Captain Jack Sparrow and returns to England. On her trail is her nemesis, Cutler Beckett, who followed her from the Caribbean and is intent to have his way.

Lucky for her, she captures the attention of MI-5 agent Tom Quinn, who is hot on the trail of double agent Miranda Frost, who happens to share a flat with Swann. In defeating both Beckett and Frost, Elizabeth Swann falls in love with Quinn and agrees to marry him.

In the absence of the Governor, her guardian - Jack Bauer's dad - gives consent.”




Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ruminations on the British election from a nosy by-stander

As shocking as the recent UK election has been for the British people, and for pundits of all stripes, it has the eerie feeling of familiarity for those of us in Canada.

To deconstruct this result in an organized and thoughtful manner would be pointless, so I humbly offer an outsider’s view:

1.    The economy – Sure, it’s not where people want it to be, but based on the measures, it’s doing reasonably well. Advantage to the powers that be.

2.    Holding the base – In agreeing to be part of the governing coalition, the Liberal Democrats signed on for policies that were anathema to their base. Your base is party members, the people who canvass, phone neighbours, and cheer at rallies. They donate their time and money. They lend their name and reputation to your cause. As Canada’s federal Progressive Conservatives learned in 1993, lose your base and you will lose your deposit.

3.    A mile wide, but an inch deep – UKIP and the SNP demonstrate the fact that when it comes to votes in a Westminster style First-Past-The-Post system, you need quality as much as quantity. Back to the 1993 Canadian federal election, the total number of votes cast nationally for the Progressive Conservatives and the Reform Party was roughly at par.  Yet, the former earned two Commons seats while the latter attained over 50. The Bloc Quebecois received even less than them and ended up with even more seats than that!

4.    Fear trumps all – It is an old bromide of political veterans that voter intentions really get sorted out in the final 7 days of the campaign. That’s when the undecided start to move and soft support begins to shift. In this vote, that timeframe was dominated with reports that neither the Tories nor Labour could get a majority, and that the SNP would be the kingmakers. If you were a voter in England or Wales who fretted about the notion that the people who initiated the independence vote last year would have any control over Parliament, you may have decided to pick the party who was closest to the finish line. It was Hadrian’s Wall rebuilt with ballot papers instead of stone and mortar.

No analysis would be complete with some nosy neighbor advice, so here it is:

1.    The promise of a Referendum on Europe will need to be kept. Given popular opinion on the idea of a vote, let alone how it would go, a government that reneged on this promise would burn through its political capital like a rogue currency trader on a bender

2.    The Unity issue needs more than an ad hoc treatment. It is all well and good to say that you will keep your referendum promise and give more to Scotland, but understand that in doing so you set a precedent. Imagine coming home to your four children and giving one of them a brand new PS4 gaming console, then explaining to the other three why they got nothing. Yeah – thought so. Remember that a big component of the success of Canada’s Reform Party was based on the sense that Ottawa favoured Quebec at the expense of the western provinces. If the voters in England and Wales feel that Westminster is prepared to give Scotland things that no one else will get, then expect a bump for Plaid Cymru and whatever party seizes on comparable English discontent the next time around.  In the end, the best approach may be the dreaded f-word…federalism.

3.    Scottish votes for Scottish questions, etc. is a dangerous idea – How would this work? Imagine the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod playing nightclub bouncer and kicking out 90 percent of the elected MP’s at Westminster because the government needs to vote on buying 5 acres to extend the runway at Edinburgh Airport. How does quorum work on this? With only one MP in Scotland, how does the government argue its policy? Would every bill, in this instance, be a private members bill? Even if you resolve all this, what if 80 percent of the money for said airport expansion came from English and Welsh taxpayers?

When all is said and done, every election is a setup for the one to follow. Those of us in Canada who have endured referenda and numerous constitutional debates should have some empathy for the British people. Even if we’re too polite to give advice (which evidently I am not), we should be willing to offer some reference to consider on the long road ahead.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Discipline is the next item on my 'to do' list...Seriously.

The key to writing is discipline.

I suppose the good news is that I’ve identified it. The not-so-good news is that I don’t seem to have mastered it as of late.

I’ve been relatively prolific on Twitter as of late (@BrentHCameron for those wanting to follow….please?) but I really don’t think that counts. It’s 140 characters, and it usually gets used when I am in a particularly smart-alecky mood…and it’s the weekend…and it’s late…and…Anyway, beyond exercising my typing fingers and my clownish tendencies, I don’t think I’ve actually accomplished much by it.

Now don’t get me wrong. I do have something that is similar to discipline, like the difference between real coffee and decaf (I’m sorry, but c’mon now…). I have a specific time each day, from Monday to Friday, and in the same spot. If I am duly inspired, I can churn out a somewhat respectable bit of writing.

Today was one such day, and it felt really good to get in there and mix it about. Felt good until I looked at the page count, which has risen as quickly as the odometer in the Griswold family station wagon haplessly meandering on its way to Walley World. The voice inside my head was telling me this wonderful story and pestering me to write faster. Lately, it just sits in the back seat and whines ‘Are we there yet?’ or ‘Can you pull over? I gotta pee!’

One of us – the writer or the voice – needs a cuff in the head, or a kick in the pants. Unfortunately the voice has neither a head nor the need for fashionable slacks, so its humble human vessel needs to put its middle-aged doughy self back into the game.

And yes, in writing this, I appear to have used up my allotment of novel writing time for today...