
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16 - 7:36 a.m.

It is 7:36 a.m., a little less than a week before Christmas, and I am the closest I’ve been to a state of zen for a while.

As an employee of a University largely devoid of students between the big day and New Year’s, I am afforded a built in vacation period.

The same goes for my newly acquired duties as a local councillor (by virtue of the Municipal Elections held in Ontario on October 27th), although I expect that phone calls and e-mails regarding the condition of plowed roads will come up at least a couple of times.

Yesterday, with my son's birthday, we have transitioned out of the cake and candles season that, for my family, runs steady from late August to now.

As with my writing, what can I say? It is my guilty pleasure, and I try to fit it in wherever and whenever possible. Still on the quest for the Holy Grail of the unrepresented scribe, and my heart is full of hope. Having said that, my horoscope did say that “it’s smarter to hang onto your current job,” so who knows.

‘Absolom’ was momentarily put aside in favour of two other projects. One is a non-fiction paper for associates in the UK (which I would still like to tinker with), as well as an outline for another novel that I did not anticipate writing until about two months ago. With those dual tasks winding down, I hope that Absolom gets the attention that it deserves. I’m too novice a writer to have a ‘type’ or a ‘style’, but I think that people who read (and hopefully enjoy) ‘Barricade’ will have an affinity for this story as well.

Now it’s 7:48 a.m., and if I hope to snag a Tim Horton’s coffee before the pre-exam phalanx marches in, I better scoot!

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