This weekend was one of those rare occurrences in our household - sort of like the return of Halley's Comet or Kanye West creating a scene at the Grammys...Oops, scratch that last one. Anyway, it was rare because it was a solid two day period where neither I nor any member of the household left the house. Technically, that's not quite true, as we did bundle up to go outside, but you get the drift.
Coincidentally, we got the drift too - big ones that required yours truly and the man of the house trainee to fire up our snowblower and set to work. One pass along the length of the driveway, and I made the call to send him back inside. I'm not sure if the contorted expression on his face was a result of the cold or the shock of hearing his old man tell him not to worry about a household chore!
For the next half-hour, with the wind whipping up a furious sting of moist cold, I persevered. Did the driveway, the turnaround spot, and across the highway in front of the mailbox.
When I came inside, my wife took one look at me and in a very muted and casual tone remarked "Oh my God - what happened to your ear?!"
On my right ear, in the top outside corner (I believe the correct anatomical name is 'the spot where people put third, fourth and fifth piercings'), the skin was as white as the stuff I had just spent all that time moving.
Despite living for six years in Dawson Creek, BC, whose main thoroughfare is the Alaska Highway, she felt it incumbent to inform me that it was frostbite (and that anyone who argued that they lived in a place where it could drop to minus 50 should have had the brains not to let that happen to begin with!)
The issue was, of course, why I didn't wear a hat. In truth, I did wear a hat, but apparently my wife felt that a black golf hat with 'Taylor Made' emblazoned on the front was, in her words, "not a good choice." Actually, she said something to that effect. I had a hard time hearing on account of the frostbite in my ear.
I will quickly calm any fears by stating that the rosy pink returned to that blanched patch of cartilage (along with a sting that felt like scraping one's knee on pavement, but je degress...). Next time, of course, I will don the goofy ill-fitting toque with the big fuzzy ball on top.
Of course, before you all lose complete and total respect for me - and in my defense - it was an easy error. It's just that I can't keep track of all the hats I have and wear.
I have a husband hat, a father hat, a son hat, an employee / co-worker hat, a municipal politician hat, and - of course - the hat I'm wearing right now....Yes, it's a 'writer' hat! Maybe with all these interchangeable hats, it's easy to neglect one or two every now and then. After all, wearing them all simultaneously would make me look like an idiot.
On the other hand, my wife would argue that my ears would stay warm.
After this heartfelt confession of my near-injurious idiocy, I want to let all you kind folk know that "The Barricade Diary" will be available for a free download as a Kindle e-book starting tomorrow (February 12) and running to February 16th. Of course, in lieu of filthy lucre, I only ask for those brave and intrepid souls who take the offer to post a review on Amazon when you finish. I really don't care what you say, so long as it's honest. If it's good, I want the world to know. If it's bad, then I need to consider my options - possibly a career in snow removal?
Here's the link:
Cheers (and stay warm!),
Coincidentally, we got the drift too - big ones that required yours truly and the man of the house trainee to fire up our snowblower and set to work. One pass along the length of the driveway, and I made the call to send him back inside. I'm not sure if the contorted expression on his face was a result of the cold or the shock of hearing his old man tell him not to worry about a household chore!
For the next half-hour, with the wind whipping up a furious sting of moist cold, I persevered. Did the driveway, the turnaround spot, and across the highway in front of the mailbox.
When I came inside, my wife took one look at me and in a very muted and casual tone remarked "Oh my God - what happened to your ear?!"
On my right ear, in the top outside corner (I believe the correct anatomical name is 'the spot where people put third, fourth and fifth piercings'), the skin was as white as the stuff I had just spent all that time moving.
Despite living for six years in Dawson Creek, BC, whose main thoroughfare is the Alaska Highway, she felt it incumbent to inform me that it was frostbite (and that anyone who argued that they lived in a place where it could drop to minus 50 should have had the brains not to let that happen to begin with!)
The issue was, of course, why I didn't wear a hat. In truth, I did wear a hat, but apparently my wife felt that a black golf hat with 'Taylor Made' emblazoned on the front was, in her words, "not a good choice." Actually, she said something to that effect. I had a hard time hearing on account of the frostbite in my ear.
I will quickly calm any fears by stating that the rosy pink returned to that blanched patch of cartilage (along with a sting that felt like scraping one's knee on pavement, but je degress...). Next time, of course, I will don the goofy ill-fitting toque with the big fuzzy ball on top.
Of course, before you all lose complete and total respect for me - and in my defense - it was an easy error. It's just that I can't keep track of all the hats I have and wear.
I have a husband hat, a father hat, a son hat, an employee / co-worker hat, a municipal politician hat, and - of course - the hat I'm wearing right now....Yes, it's a 'writer' hat! Maybe with all these interchangeable hats, it's easy to neglect one or two every now and then. After all, wearing them all simultaneously would make me look like an idiot.
On the other hand, my wife would argue that my ears would stay warm.
After this heartfelt confession of my near-injurious idiocy, I want to let all you kind folk know that "The Barricade Diary" will be available for a free download as a Kindle e-book starting tomorrow (February 12) and running to February 16th. Of course, in lieu of filthy lucre, I only ask for those brave and intrepid souls who take the offer to post a review on Amazon when you finish. I really don't care what you say, so long as it's honest. If it's good, I want the world to know. If it's bad, then I need to consider my options - possibly a career in snow removal?
Here's the link:
Cheers (and stay warm!),
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